URL | Description |
A collection of full-stack resources for programmers. | |
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards. | |
📚 Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack. | |
What happens behind the scenes when we type
in a browser? | |
Solve puzzles. Learn CUDA. | |
Learn the fundamentals of cloud computing | |
Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers. | |
The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems | |
Jargon from the functional programming world in simple terms! | |
A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python | |
DevOps resources - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP | |
🗃 Storybook Design System | |
Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more | |
This repository is my documenting repository for learning the world of DevOps. I started this journey on the 1st January 2022 and I plan to run to March 31st for a complete 90-day romp on spending an hour a day including weekends to get a foundational knowledge across a lot of different areas that make up DevOps. | |
A brief computer graphics / rendering course | |
DOM Challenge is a 60-90 minutes online weekly challenge related to frontend development consisting of industrial level machine round questions. | |
Rust Language Cheat Sheet | |
🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science! | |
List of Computer Science courses with video lectures. | |
Best practices for segmentation of the corporate network of any company | |
🛡️ ⚛️ A simple, scalable, and powerful architecture for building production ready React applications. | |
⚓ A compilation of reading notes from my career as a game programmer. You can think of it as an enhanced version of Blog. Covers graphics, real-time rendering, programming practices, GPU programming, design patterns, software engineering, and more. Keep Reading , Keep Writing , Keep Coding. | |
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards. | |
Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices. Code examples included | |
Roadmap to becoming a developer in 2022 | |
A collection of Post-Event Summaries | |
A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns. | |
What happens behind the scenes when we type
in a browser? | |
How to Read the ECMAScript Specification | |
Thousands of amazing experiments using Chrome, Android, AI, AR and more | |
Game Programming Patterns is a collection of patterns in games that make code cleaner, easier to understand, and faster. | |
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer. | |
Learning css grid and flex by playing games | |
An instructor-led Python training course used for corporate training and professional development. | |
An exercise-driven course on Advanced Python Programming that was battle-tested several hundred times on the corporate-training circuit for more than a decade. | |
A tiny JVM written in Rust. Learning project | |
An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day. | |
The largest Node.js CLI Apps best practices list ✨ | |
Your web development manual | |
An incremental parsing system for programming tools | |
Learn good principles of design | |
Calculus Made Easy is a book on calculus originally published in 1910 by Silvanus P. Thompson, considered a classic and elegant introduction to the subject. | |
d3.js | |
how to remember anything forever | |
Linux Network Performance Ultimate Guide |
Build your own
codecrafters-io • Updated Aug 12, 2024
Build your own React | |
Build a CDN from Scratch to Learn about CDN, Nginx, Lua, Prometheus, Grafana, Load balancing, and Containers. | |
Build your own database, writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C | |
Build a markdown parser |
University courses
Introduction to Computer Networking | |
Operating system | |
Operating Systems | |
Distributed system | |
Database | |
Designing Modern Web-Scale Applications | |
The Missing Semester of Your CS Education | |
Design and implementation of secure computer systems | |
CS 6120: Advanced Compilers | |
operating system | |
Deep Learning for Computer Vision | |
Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning | |
Data structures and programming methods. | |
Operating Systems |
Online books
Crafting Interpreters contains everything you need to implement a full-featured, efficient scripting language. | |
Game Programming Patterns is a collection of patterns that make code cleaner, easier to understand, and faster. |
📗🌐 🚢 Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices (April 2022) | |
Google JavaScript Style Guide | |
🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript | |
The Concise TypeScript Book: A Concise Guide to Effective Development in TypeScript. Free and Open Source. | |
Introducing various basic patterns of app router with simplified code. |
css animation | |
learn Grid layout | |
css selector | |
Web tutorial application
The missing visualizer for your react-spring UI animations. | |
creates a color palette | |
Recursion visualizer | |
color palette inspiration | |
scroll bar customize |