Learn Git - Tutorials, Workflows and Commands | AtlassianGit is an open source version control system used by programmers to manage their code. Learn about its features and benefits in this tutorial.https://www.atlassian.com/gitGit from the inside outThis essay explains how Git works. (If you’d rather absorb the same information as a talk, you can watch this video instead.)https://maryrosecook.com/blog/post/git-from-the-inside-outUsing Git rebase on the command line - GitHub DocsHere's a short tutorial on using git rebase on the command line.https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/using-git/using-git-rebase-on-the-command-lineLearn Git BranchingAn interactive Git visualization tool to educate and challenge!https://learngitbranching.js.org/pre-commithttps://pre-commit.com/