My blog development log

I start developing this personal blog on 25th June 2022. My intention for developing this website is to recording my self-learning process and finally become a better software engineer. It will be highly self-customized, and all the functions in this website will be comply with my requirement.

Main Tech stack

  • Next.js — the website is almost static content, using it better for SSG.

  • Tailwind — No special reasons. There are many other popular ways to apply CSS in this project (like the CSS-in-JS, CSS module), but Tailwind is the popular new born and I want to try new things and learn new knowledge.

  • React-markdown — render markdown to HTML.

  • Lottie — using SVG animations


  • 25/06/2022 - the first Line of code.

  • 27/06/2022 - First version has been deployed on Vercel.

  • 18/07/2022 - Integration Notion notes.

  • 05/11/2022 - Render blog using MDXgit



  • Entire Website:

    • Dark mode
  • Home Page:

    • Dynamically render my information from JSON to HTML
  • Project Page:

    • Components to show case some of my projects
  • Blog Page:

    • Render my blog from markdown to Html
    • Highligh codes in blog
    • Blog list shows titles, keywords and excerpt
  • Notes Page:

    • Render my Notion notes to HTML

Need to finish

  • Home Page:
    • show latest projects and blogs' summary

and much More...